Biodiversity Respectful Leadership
Biodiversity is an entity consisting ofall living beings, including us humans. Destroying biodiversity means destroying the source of breathable air, drinkable water, sustenance –the sources of human livelihood and wellbeing.
Nature has always sheltered us. Now it is time for us to protect it.
BIODIFUL is a research project –and also much more. BIODIFUL is an expanding movement of individuals who believe in the possibility of change, have hope for the future and lead to protect life.
Are you one of us?


Vihreä kalja tuo kestävyystoimijat yhteen after work -tunnelmissa
Vihreä kalja on tuonut yhteen Turun seudun kestävyystoimijoita, opiskelijoita ja aiheesta kiinnostuneita aktiiveja. Kurkistimme erilaisten kestävyyskäsitteiden pinnan alle ja pohdimme miten monin eri tavoin rakennamme

New insights into environmentally friendly behaviour
Researchers from BIODIFUL, Fanny Lalot, Sanna Ahvenharju, and Outi Uusitalo have recently published a scientific article in the prestigious journal British Journal of Social Psychology.

Are we already living the end times?
Reflections on Jem Bendell: Breaking Together A few years ago, I came across an article that had become widely known despite never having been published

Does anyone ever change (their mind)?
Have you ever had a spouse who drinks too much? Have you nagged at them, left leaflets that highlight the health issues related to drinking,
Biodiversity Respectful Leadership Summer School
Together with Academy of Business in Society (ABIS), BIODIFUL will organise an online Summer School for business practitioners interested in promoting biodiversity respectful business. The
BIODIFUL Round Table 7. June 2024 2 pm
Welcome to the sixth EY and BIODIFUL Round Table session on“Biodiversity on Food Sector”. Join us as we delve into this critical topic and discover
Call for abstracts: Advancing Biodiversity-Respectful Tourism
We are organizing a Special Session titled ‘Advancing Biodiversity-Respectful Tourism – Innovations, Technology, Human Engagement, and Best Practices’ at the 32nd Nordic Symposium on Tourism

-Ilari Sääksjärvi, professor
-Outi Uusitalo, Professor