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Biodiversity Respectful Leadership

Biodiversity Respectful Leadership

Biodiversity is an entity consisting ofall living beings, including us humans. Destroying biodiversity means destroying the source of breathable air, drinkable water, sustenance –the sources of human livelihood and wellbeing.

Nature has always sheltered us. Now it is time for us to protect it.

BIODIFUL is a research project –and also much more. BIODIFUL is an expanding movement of individuals who believe in the possibility of change, have hope for the future and lead to protect life. 

Are you one of us?



Vihreä kalja on tuonut yhteen Turun seudun kestävyystoimijoita, opiskelijoita ja aiheesta kiinnostuneita aktiiveja. Kurkistimme erilaisten kestävyyskäsitteiden pinnan alle ja pohdimme miten monin eri tavoin rakennamme

Julkaisun kansikuva
Futures Consciousness

Researchers from BIODIFUL, Fanny Lalot, Sanna Ahvenharju, and Outi Uusitalo have recently published a scientific article in the prestigious journal British Journal of Social Psychology.



In my last blog I wrote about a book that introduced me to the concept of collapsology. While the label is novel, the phenomenon it describes had


Scientists have a responsibility to bring the message of science clearly and unvarnished to decision-makers and the public.

-Ilari Sääksjärvi, professor
Nature is our partner - taking care of nature and the environment.

-Outi Uusitalo, Professor

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