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Vihreä kalja on tuonut yhteen Turun seudun kestävyystoimijoita, opiskelijoita ja aiheesta kiinnostuneita aktiiveja. Kurkistimme erilaisten kestävyyskäsitteiden pinnan alle ja pohdimme miten monin eri tavoin rakennamme parempaa huomista. Syksyn ensimmäisessä keskustelutilaisuudessa tutustuimme toisiimme ja niihin erilaisiin rooleihin, joiden puitteissa etsimme kestävyysratkaisuita. Professori Satu Teerikangas fasilitoi keskustelua

Researchers from BIODIFUL, Fanny Lalot, Sanna Ahvenharju, and Outi Uusitalo have recently published a scientific article in the prestigious journal British Journal of Social Psychology. The article titled “Green dreams are made of this: Futures consciousness and proenvironmental engagement” examines the impact of futures consciousness

Vihreä kalja tuo kestävyystoimijat yhteen after work -tunnelmissa
Vihreä kalja on tuonut yhteen Turun seudun kestävyystoimijoita, opiskelijoita ja aiheesta kiinnostuneita aktiiveja. Kurkistimme erilaisten kestävyyskäsitteiden pinnan alle ja pohdimme miten monin eri tavoin rakennamme

New insights into environmentally friendly behaviour
Researchers from BIODIFUL, Fanny Lalot, Sanna Ahvenharju, and Outi Uusitalo have recently published a scientific article in the prestigious journal British Journal of Social Psychology.

Why does biodiversity equal life?
Last Sunday, on the 22nd of May, we celebrated the 21st UN biodiversity day. As I am not a biologist, it has taken me awhile to wrap my

Reflections on Jem Bendell: Breaking Together A few years ago, I came across an article that had become widely known despite never having been published in an academic journal. The Deep Adaptation (2018) was written by a CSR professor, who had concluded, that all that he had worked for the past decades

Reflections on Jem Bendell: Breaking Together A few years ago, I came across an article that had become widely known despite never having been published in an academic journal. The Deep Adaptation (2018) was written by a CSR professor, who had concluded, that all that he had worked for the past decades