BIODIFUL Round Table on keskustelusarja, jossa luonnon monimuotoisuutta luodataan pintaa syvemmältä. Yhdessä Ernst&Youngin kanssa kutsumme saman pöydän ääreen tutkijoita, yritysten asiantuntijoita ja yhteiskunnallisia päätöksentekijöitä pohtimaan luontoa ja sen katoa monista näkökulmista.
Tervetuloa kuudenteen Biodifulin ja EY:n Round Tableen ”Biodiversity on Food Sector”.
Kuudennen keskustelumme teemana perjantaina 7.6. klo 14 ovat ruoka ja ruokajärjestelmät. Luonnolle ja ihmiselle hyvästä ruuasta ja sen tuottamisesta mukana keskustelemassa ovat tutkijoidemme Irene Kuhmonen ja Saska Tuomasjukka lisäksi Kaisa Mattson Fazerilta ja Hanna Hiekkamies Valiolta.
Milloin: perjantaina 7.6. klo 14
Missä: Keskustelu englanniksi Microsoft Teams Livessä.
Mukana puhumassa:
Hanna Hiekkamies
Sustainability Director, Valio
Hanna serves as Valio’s Sustainability Director and is a board member of FIBS, the largest corporate responsibility network in the Nordic countries and board member of B Corp certified Impact Agency Fabrik, the agency for sustainable design, strategy and communication. She is a highly experienced and motivated professional, with a specialization in sustainability and business development. Her core competencies include Sustainable strategies, ESG management and reporting.
Kaisa Mattson
Director Sustainable Sourcing and Human Rights, Fazer
Kaisa Mattson is a Director Sustainable Sourcing and Human Rights at Fazer. Kaisa has over twenty years of experience leading sustainable supply chains in consumer goods companies such as IKEA, Fiskars and Fazer. Over the years she has been deeply involved in developing sustainable value chains around the world. Biodiversity is critical to ensure healthy, resilient, and sustainable food supply for growing global population.
Irene Kuhmonen
Postdoctoral researcher, Biodiful/JYU
Irene Kuhmonen is a postdoctoral researcher at Jyväskylä School of Business and Economics with a research focus of the role of agriculture in sustainability transition of the food system. In her research she aims at understanding the systemic barriers that farms are facing in the quest of building a more sustainable and biodiversity-friendly food system.
Saska Tuomasjukka
Senior researcher, BIODIFUL/ UTU
Saska Tuomasjukka is an entrepreneur and a senior researcher at the University of Turku. He originally fell in love with the chemistry of food and the beauty of aroma molecules, but later found himself studying nutrition and sustainability. His current scientific work focuses on systemic and individual enablers of vertical dietary change, i.e., the identification and presentation of value-free food switches, which have significant yet underutilized potential to enhance sustainability.